Krier Foods

A brand strategy to help define a new era of growth and employee retention.

Krier Foods is the preferred Midwest beverage manufacturer that has worked to exceed customers’ expectations for over 100 years.

With new ownership and the opportunity to grow the company further, Krier needed a strategic marketing plan.

Brand Strategy

Marketing Strategy

Communication Strategy

Creative Design

Commercial Print

The Ask

With new ownership and the opportunity to grow the company further, Krier needed a strategic marketing plan.

At FifthColor, our brand strategies are extremely immersive. Our goal was to help Krier set a strong foundation for its growing marketing initiatives with a clearly defined point of differentiation while also helping it grow a stronger internal culture that attracts and retains top talent who believe in the company’s success.

The Approach

Krier needed to build up their existing employees, utilizing them to understand better opportunities to grow into an even larger leader in beverage co-packing.

We began our process with brand immersion, surveying 11 focus groups and conducting over 14 hours of interviews with each employee, manager, and executive of Krier Foods. After clarifying our findings, we then dove into industry research and generated in-depth audits to understand Krier’s current brand and positioning.

Our expert brand strategists then determined Krier’s point of differentiation, brand promise, brand personality, brand pillars, and brand architecture to eliminate the guesswork from their marketing, content, and communication strategy.

Ongoing Support

Alongside the development of Krier’s brand strategy, our full-service agency provided additional help in creative, print, and other brand initiatives. Our designers concepted tradeshow and display booths for the Chicago PLMA tradeshow to better incorporate the brand’s new identity. Today, we continue to help Krier grow through creative and marketing support.

Brand strategy is often thought of as the colors, logos, taglines, and advertisements a company uses to drive sales. In reality, branding is much more than that. It is the cumulation of these elements combined with how they are experienced by the consumer and the positive connection they receive.

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